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The Hill Baptist Church
Thursday, February 01 2018

Dear Church Family,
    I’m very encouraged by your participation in making our “Tangible” theme a reality. This past month I have heard stories of church members blessing others by buying their meals, encouraging widows and widowers, donating coats and clothing, and replenishing our food pantry with nonperishable food items! Well done and we are just getting started! 
    I hope you’ve been stretched in your faith like I have. One thing I’ve realized is that these Tangible Tips have caused me to change my routine and carve out time to serve others. Maybe that is true of you as well. Now that our food pantry is replenished are you ready for our next Tangible Project? I am!
    During the month of February our Tangible Project is to buy Subway Gift Cards. Subway Gift Cards come in a variety of dollar amounts. You can buy $5 cards, $10 cards, $20 cards, and more. I talked to the manager of the Subway restaurant across the street from the church and she told me that people spend around $500 during a weekday lunch hour. This means that if we can collect $500 worth of gift cards then we will be able to cover an entire lunch hour! 
    You may be asking, “Why would we want to buy lunch for someone at Subway?” Remember, we are seeking to make our faith tangible to one another and to our community. We want to bless people because we have been blessed by God. Buying lunch for someone is a small demonstration of the generosity of God. I’m looking forward to hearing our church members tell the person in line at Subway, “The Hill Baptist Church is paying for your lunch today.” When they ask us “Why?” we will tell them that we want them to experience a taste of the generosity and love of God.
    Here is what I want you to do. Go to a Subway restaurant and buy a gift card. Bring that gift card with you one Sunday in February and put it in the offering plate along with your offering. I will update you each week on how much we have collected. At the end of the month a few of us will head over to Subway and buy meals for our neighbors until we run out of gift cards. Let’s put our faith into action and bless our neighbors!

In Christ,
Pastor Ron Jones

Posted by: Ron Jones AT 10:03 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
2165 Kings Way
Augusta GA 30904
driving directions
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship Service
6:00 pm $5 Meal in Social Hall
6:30 pm Awana Club for Kids 
6:30 pm Youth Group      
6:45 pm Adult Bible Study & Prayer

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