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The Hill Baptist Church
Monday, January 27 2020

Dear Church Family,

I was sharing with my Sunday school class this past Sunday the similarities between the wilderness journey of the Israelites and the Christian life. Like Israel was delivered out of slavery from Egypt, we are delivered out of slavery to sin through faith in Jesus. However, Israel had to go on a journey before they reached the Promised Land. That journey was filled with blessings and great tragedy. As Christians, we must go on a journey as well before we reach the ultimate Promised Land that Jesus will usher in at His return. This journey of life between conversion and consummation is one that is filled with blessings and tragedy.

We’re only a month into 2020 and we’ve seen wildfires ravage Australia, an impeachment trial for the president of our country, a helicopter crash that has killed one of the greatest and well-known basketball players of all time, and a strand of the coronavirus that is making its way from China into the rest of the world. At the same time, we’ve experienced moments of happiness over a child making the soccer team, going to the movie with friends, spending time with family, a promotion at work, answered prayer, spending more time in God’s Word, and ministering to those around us. Life is a journey and one that is filled with blessings and tragedy. But life with Christ is one that is also filled with hope. It’s filled with hope because we know that there is more to life than this life. Romans 8:18 says, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” The hope that is found in Christ is that we are on a journey that is full of meaning and purpose. It is a journey that leads to an eternal destination where we will be all that we were meant to be and enjoy life with God forever. It is this hope that helps us navigate the blessings and tragedies in the journey of life. As we journey together let us consider how we can encourage and challenge one another to keep our minds set on the things above and the glory that is to be revealed to us.

In Christ,

Pastor Ron Jones

Posted by: Ron Jones AT 10:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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Augusta GA 30904
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11:00 am Worship Service
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